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API Reference

parseSQL(sqlStatement, options)

Parses the given SQL statement to a JSON output object containing Mongo query components. It automatically determines if the output should be an aggregate pipeline or query depending on if a straight query is possible. The output JSON object properties can be used to construct a MongoDB query.

  • sqlStatement <string> - The SQL statement to parse
  • options <object> - Options for the parser
  • database <string> - The database type. Can be mysql or postgresql. Defaults to mysql.
  • Returns: <object>
  • type <string> - The type of query. Can be query or aggregate.
  • collection <string> - The collection to query for a query type.
  • query <object> - The query object to use for a query type.
  • projection <object> - The projection object to use for a query type.
  • limit <number> - The limit to use for a query type.
  • pipeline <array> - The aggregate array to use for an aggregate type.
  • collections <array> - The collections to use for an aggregate type.
Example parseSQL usage for a query


const SQLMongoParser=require('@synatic/noql');

            "select id from `films` where `id` > 10 limit 10", 
            { database: 'postgresql' /* or 'mysql' */ } );


    "limit": 10,
    "collection": "films",
    "projection": {
        "id": "$id"
    "query": {
        "id": {
            "$gt": 10
    "type": "query"
Example parseSQL usage for an aggregate


const SQLMongoParser=require('@synatic/noql');

        "select id from `films` where `id` > 10 group by id"),
        { database: 'postgresql' /* or 'mysql' */ });

    "pipeline": [
            "$match": {
                "id": {
                    "$gt": 10
            "$group": {
                "_id": {
                    "id": "$id"
            "$project": {
                "id": "$",
                "_id": 0
    "collections": [

Using the output with MongoClient

To use the output object, construct a query with MongoClient from the MongoDB NodeJS Driver

Example usage with MongoClient


const SQLParser = require('@synatic/noql');
const {MongoClient} = require('mongodb');

(async () => {
    try {
        client = new MongoClient('mongodb://');
        await client.connect();
        const db = client.db('noql-test');

        const parsedSQL = SQLParser.parseSQL(
                "select id from `films` limit 10",
                 { database: 'postgresql' /* or 'mysql' */ });
        if (parsedSQL.type === 'query') {
                await db
                    .find(parsedSQL.query || {}, parsedSQL.projection || {})
                    .limit(parsedSQL.limit || 50)
        } else if (parsedSQL.type === 'aggregate') {
                await db
    } catch (exp) {

parseSQLtoAST(sqlStatement, options)

Parses a SQL statement to an AST (abstract syntax tree)

  • sqlStatement <string> - The SQL statement to parse
  • options <object> - Options for the parser
  • database <string> - The database type. Can be mysql or postgresql. Defaults to mysql.
  • Returns: <object>
  • tableList <string[]> - A list of tables used in the query
  • columnList <string[]> - A list of columns used in the query
  • ast <object> - The AST (abstract syntax tree) of the query
Example parseSQLtoAST usage


const SQLMongoParser = require('@synatic/noql');

    "select id from `films`", 
    { database: 'postgresql' /* or 'mysql' */ });


    "tableList": [
    "columnList": [
    "ast": {
        "with": null,
        "type": "select",
        "options": null,
        "distinct": null,
        "columns": [
                "expr": {
                    "type": "column_ref",
                    "table": null,
                    "column": "id"
                "as": null
        "from": [
                "db": null,
                "table": "films",
                "as": null
        "where": null,
        "groupby": null,
        "having": null,
        "orderby": null,
        "limit": null,
        "for_update": null

makeMongoQuery(sqlStatement, options)

Generates Mongo query components from a SQL statement if possible. Throws an exception if not possible.

Use canQuery to test if a query can be created, or if an aggregate must be made instead.

If an aggregate must be made, use makeMongoAggregate instead. If you want NoQL to automatically choose, use parseSQL instead.

  • sqlStatement <string> - The SQL statement to parse
  • options <object> - Options for the parser
  • database <string> - The database type. Can be mysql or postgresql. Defaults to mysql.
  • Returns: <object>
  • type <string> - The type of query. It will be query.
  • collection <string> - The collection to query for a query type.
  • query <object> - The query object to use for a query type.
  • projection <object> - The projection object to use for a query type.
  • limit <number> - The limit to use for a query type.
Example makeMongoQuery usage


const SQLMongoParser=require('@synatic/noql');

    "select id from `films` where id > 10 limit 10", 
    { database: 'postgresql' /* or 'mysql' */ });


    "type": "query",
    "limit": 10,
    "collection": "films",
    "projection": {
        "id": "$id"
    "query": {
        "id": {
            "$gt": 10

makeMongoAggregate(sqlStatement, options)

Generates a mongo aggregate pipeline components from a SQL statement.

If your SQL statement can be represented by a straight query, use makeMongoQuery instead. If you want NoQL to automatically choose, use parseSQL instead.

  • sqlStatement <string> - The SQL statement to parse
  • options <object> - Options for the parser
  • database <string> - The database type. Can be mysql or postgresql. Defaults to mysql.
  • Returns: <object>
  • type <string> - The type of query. It will be aggregate.
  • pipeline <array> - The aggregate pipeline array to use for an aggregate type.
  • collections <array> - The collections to use for an aggregate type.
Example makeMongoAggregate usage


const SQLMongoParser = require('@synatic/noql');

    "select id from `films` group by id", 
    { database: 'postgresql' /* or 'mysql' */ });

    "pipeline": [
            "$group": {
                "_id": {
                    "id": "$id"
            "$project": {
                "id": "$",
                "_id": 0
    "collections": [

canQuery(sqlStatement, options)

Checks if a SQL statement can be represented by a straight Mongo query, or if an aggregate query must be used.

  • sqlStatement <string> - The SQL statement to check
  • options <object> - Options for the parser
  • database <string> - The database type. Can be mysql or postgresql. Defaults to mysql.
  • Returns: <boolean>
Example canQuery usage


const SQLMongoParser = require('@synatic/noql');

SQLMongoParser.canQuery('select id from `films`');
// Returns true

SQLMongoParser.canQuery('select id from `films` group by id');
//Returns false